I en liten glänta längs Höga Kusten-leden i närheten av Småtjärnarna ligger detta vindskydd som mer liknar en liten stuga. Vindskyddet vilar på en hög klippa med utsikt över Veckefjärden. Det finns bänkar inne i vindskyddet som kan användas som sängunderlag för två personer. Vindskyddet nås
I en liten glänta längs Höga Kusten-leden i närheten av Småtjärnarna ligger detta vindskydd som mer liknar en liten stuga. Vindskyddet vilar på en hög klippa med utsikt över Veckefjärden. Det finns bänkar inne i vindskyddet som kan användas som sängunderlag för två personer.
Vindskyddet nås enklast från Svedjeholmen genom att följa Höga Kusten-leden etapp 7, söderut eller från Nyängets havsbad.
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- Dold pärla
Så här beskriver designern vindskyddet på engelska:
"The plot is somewhat hidden from the trail, but as you turn off and approach, you are greeted by a mature pine tree and a unique rock which mark the site’s centre. The rock tops a 2m drop to the forest floor below, and then the landscape falls away towards Veckefjärden, so one is drawn to stand on top of it and admire the view. Off-centred was conceived as means to enable one to experience multiple aspects of the site, highlighting its beauty and capturing key viewpoints.
The cabin is a semi-sheltered sleeping space for two, with benches that double up as beds. Its distinct roof form is derived from the position of the supporting trunk and signposts the site as a destination in its own right."
"The plot is somewhat hidden from the trail, but as you turn off and approach, you are greeted by a mature pine tree and a unique rock which mark the site’s centre. The rock tops a 2m drop to the forest floor below, and then the landscape falls away towards Veckefjärden, so one is drawn to stand on top of it and admire the view. Off-centred was conceived as means to enable one to experience multiple aspects of the site, highlighting its beauty and capturing key viewpoints.
The cabin is a semi-sheltered sleeping space for two, with benches that double up as beds. Its distinct roof form is derived from the position of the supporting trunk and signposts the site as a destination in its own right."