Guest harbour at Ulvö Hotel
Guest harbour at Ulvö Hotel
Guest harbour at Ulvö Hotel
Guest harbour at Ulvö Hotel
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Guest harbour at Ulvö Hotel

Welcome to this guest harbour located right below the hotel on the island of Ulvön. This is one of the most popular guest harbours in the High Coast.

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  • Sauna
  • Dusche
  • Toa

Hamndjup: 4 m

Mooring: boj ankare

Port fee: Yes

  • Cafe
  • Restaurant


The guest harbour was built a few years ago and is fairly new. It has a large wooden deck surrounding the harbour and the nearby swimming pool and connects the harbour with the hotel, Ulvö Hotel.

The guest harbour has around 70 spots.

The guest harbour is open during the summer. Payment is done through the hotel reception. You can get full service at the hotel such as breakfast, lunch or dinner.

In the other end of the small fishing village is a small kiosk as well as diesel and gasoline.