Fähren & Boottaxis

In mehreren Orten legen regelmäßig Fähren in die Schären ab; manche sogar das ganze Jahr über. Wenn Sie also – anders als viele Schweden – nicht mit Ihrem eigenen Boot nach Höga Kusten reisen, können Sie die Inselwelt trotzdem hautnah erleben.

Fähren & Boottaxis

Mit Fähren nach Ulvön


Mit den Fähren M/F Ulvön und M/S Kusttrafik können Sie zu den Inseln Ulvön und Högbonden fahren. Die Reise durch den Archipel ist ein Erlebnis für sich.


The archipelago is large and there are multiple islands for you to discover. Here's a good overview of the region.

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Ferry to Högbonden and Hemsön


Högbonden is a nature reserve in the coastline of the High Coast. The island rises sharply out of the Bothnian Sea. Positioned at the top of the Island is the old lighthouse. Today, the old lighthouse keeper’s accommodation is a newly renovated hostel called Högbonden Fyr & Vandrarhem. There are a few hiking trails on the Island, and in the summer there is a café open. 

To get to Högbonden, you will take the ferry M/S Ronja from either Barsta or Bönhamn. The travel time is around the same, which is about 15 minutes. Parking in Barsta is for free, while there is a small fee in Bönhamn. 

Hemsön is a big Island in the southern part of the High Coast. The most popular destination on the Island is Hemsö Fästning, which is an old fortress from the Cold War. The fortress is now open to the public and offers guided tours in a very exciting environment. Finish the tour with a “Swedish Fika” or food in the restaurant with one of the High Coast most beautiful views. 

To Hemsön there is a car ferry going every day. In the summertime, the ferry goes more frequently, which is about two to three times an hour. The ferry is free and leaves from Strinningen. Here you will find a schedule for the ferry to Hemsön .

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