A unique place

The High Coast always have something to offer anyone. With a large area covering over four municipalities, all with different characteristics, the High Coast have something for everyones taste.



Explore the region

The High Coast of Sweden is a large area with a selection that always appeal to somebody. The nature, with its variation from woods and river valleys to the dramatic coastline, offers experiences and meetings with locals that you are late to forget.


Utsikt över Härnösand med domkyrkan och Birka Cruises


Rich cultural life and a historical town centre, located on an island in the southern part

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Vandring på niporna i Sollefteå


Picturesquely framed by mountains and riverbanks by the mighty Ångermanälven river.

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Örnsköldsviks Inre hamn med Elite Plaza


A town of contrasts between the city and the magnificent nature.

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Flygbild över Högbonden Fyr med Silja Line i bakgrunden


A charming little town surrounded by impressive scenery that nature has created over thousands of

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Fler platser


Utsikt från Lotsberget på Ulvön


The Ulvön islands are the High Coast archipelago’s biggest tourist attraction with a fantastic

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Röda fiskebodar i Nordingrå


Nordingrå is a region located in the centre of the High Coast.

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karta illustration höga kusten