Meeting and conferences

In the High Coast there are great opportunities to organise the perfect, and perhaps slightly special, conference.

Möten och konferens i höga kusten

Encounters with nature as a backdrop


In the High Coast there are great opportunities to organise the perfect, and perhaps slightly special, conference. A guest house in the forest, a pilot's cabin on sea cliffs, a large arena or why not a top cabin on Skuleberget. In the High Coast there are plenty of conference facilities and places for you to meet. Remember that even those that can accommodate several hundred or perhaps a thousand guests also welcome very small groups. If you have an idea or question, you can always call and ask. We are good at co-operating in the High Coast. Below we have summarised brief facts about the most important facilities so that you can start planning.

Book your next group and conference trip! 
Email or call 0775-33 04 30

- Höga Kusten är en ypperlig plats för företag som vill titta utanför konferensrummets väggar – som känner sig redo att ta chansen att låta sin grupp formas tillsammans av upplevelser i naturen. Vår erfarenhet, vårt kontaktnät bland småskaliga företag och vår strävan att ge dig din bästa upplevelse gör att vi törs lova en konferens ni minns och har nytta av länge.

Läs hela artikeln med Anna Hellgren, Verksamhetsledare Höga Kusten Turism.

See what the High Coast has to offer

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