The archipelago & boat life

The sea off the High Coast is full of islands with all sorts of things for you to discover!

The archipelago & boat life

Discover the beautiful archipelago


The High Coast is the highest and steepest section of coast along the entire Baltic Sea, and its archipelago is also quite dramatic with high islands jutting high out of the water. The sea off the High Coast is full of islands with all sorts of things for you to discover!

How do you wan't to discover the archipelago?

båtutflykter höga kusten

Boat excursions

Get on a boat excursion and enjoy the High Coast's archipelago.

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Boat life & guest marinas in the High Coast

Guest marinas

Here is a list of some of our favorite guest marinas and harbors in the High Coast. So get on out

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Båtturer i skärgården i Höga KustenBoat tours in the High Coast

Ferries to the islands

With the ferries and boats you can get to Ulvön, Trysunda, Strängöarna and Högbonden.

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Trysunda fiskeläge


Beautiful natural scenery and the special cultural environment of the small fishing village are

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Utsikt från Lotsberget på Ulvön


The Ulvön islands are the High Coast archipelago’s biggest tourist attraction with a fantastic

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höga kusten skärgård karta

Rent a kayak, boat or SUP paddle board and explore by yourself