
Whether you are a beginner or a sport fishing enthusiast, you can find plenty of beautiful places to fish along the coast. Here are a few tips for recreational fishing in the High Coast. The stories you will have to come up with yourself

flugfiske höga kusten

Fishing in the High Coast


The High Coast is world famous for its fishing. This is where the Pike Challenge is held, one of Scandinavia's largest pike fishing competitions that attracts hundreds of participants every year. In Sollefteå you will find world-class salmon fishing that is so good you might have to queue to get a spot to fish from. And the sea offers almost endless possibilities for fantastic sea trout fishing in waters out from stony beaches where the trout love to spend their time. So welcome to the High Coast, go out and find one of our countless great fishing spots. It’s time to get your rod and lines in order.

Fishing experiences


Useful information about the fishing


Fishing in the sea is free, but you will need a licence to fish in most of the lakes.


Fiske detaljbild Höga Kusten
Fiskenät med spö och drag
Fiske höst Höga Kusten flugfiske

Freshwater or saltwater?

havsfiske skymning

Sea fishing

An adventure that promises wonderful experiences along our wild, beautiful and dramatic coast.

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If you are fishing from a boat or coastal rocks, make sure you wear a life jacket. Having a phone and friends with you also increases safety. Your friends can also serve as witnesses to back up the tales of the huge fish you catch. Sportfishing in the sea is completely free along the High Coast. If you are fishing in lakes or rivers you will have to check if you need a fishing licence. The easiest way to do this is to visit a local fishing shop where you can get lots of local tips as well as purchase a fishing licence if you need one.

Upptäck Fiskemöjligheterna i Höga Kusten

Utforska våra fiskevårdsområden och testa fiskelyckan. Med hjälp av den interaktiva fiskekartan kan du enkelt planera din fisketur, köpa fiskekort och ta reda på de regler som gäller. Klicka på länken nedan för att dyka in i Höga Kustens fantastiska fiskevatten.

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