Day hike

For those of you who don’t want to spend an entire summer week on the same trail, there are many shorter trails to explore. Take the chance to go on a fantastic day hike on the High Coast! Here are some tips to start with.

dagsvandring höga kusten med fika

Get ready for a day hike


For those of you who don’t want to spend an entire summer week on the same trail, there are many shorter trails to explore. Take the chance to go on a fantastic day hike on the High Coast! Here are some tips to start with.

Tips on day hikes

Aim for the top

viewpoints high coast
Nature & Outdoor

Mountain viewpoints

Here you will find plenty of viewpoints for you to discover and views you won't soon forget.

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utsikt fäberget

Fem toppar

Nå fem fantastiska toppar samlade i direkt anslutning till varandra.

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Bästa rundslingorna

Bengt Wallin driver Höga Kusten Walkabout och erbjuder guidade vandringar i skog och natur och är tillika vår Höga Kusten-vän som kan allt om vandring. Hör av dig till honom för bästa tipsen på vandringar. Här har han gjort sin lista på några av hans bästa rundslingor i Höga Kusten. 

Hikes near cities

If you are in town when the need for adventure hits, these trails are an excellent choice.

More hiking tips

Click Read more to see a map and more informaiton about the trails.

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