Section 7 Köpmanholmen-Örnsköldsvik

32,9 km / Average / 10-12 h


The section follows a well-trodden path through the Balesudden Nature Reserve, which offers hilly terrain, varying from dark spruce forests to more open mountain plateaus at more than 150 meters above sea level.

Balesudden is a relatively large reserve of 923 hectares, established in 1985. Six kilometers of the trail run through the reserve. Inside the reserve, there is a two-kilometer detour from the trail that takes you to the viewpoint on Balesberget. On the way to Balesberget you pass Balestjärnen. This lake is remarkable in many ways, not least because of its location and extremely clear water.

The trail follows the gravel road along Bäckfjärden from the parking lot in Sandlågan via the village of Bäck and up to Utby. Then the trail goes up over the Vitsjö massif before reaching Svedjeholmen. The trail goes through the community down to Moälven and continues over the bridge up to Varvsberget, Örnsköldsvik's closest city mountain. From here you have a nice view of the city before you walk the last bit down to the city center and the section goal.

In Örnsköldsvik there are plenty of accommodations and restaurants to choose from and places to visit to unwind after a long hike. Read more here.


Get to the start

Transport: Bus stop Köpmanholmen C.

Bus timetables can be found at

Section start is at Coop Köpmanholmen. Closest parking is at the quay in Köpmanholmen (parking fee).


Download the Höga Kusten app for maps in your phone.   


Places along the trail

Here you can see accommodation, restaurants, attractions and experiences along section 7 Köpmanholmen-Örnsköldsvik. We have also collected other accommodation such as cabins and shelters at this page.

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